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People are understandably exhausted

One in four intend to leave their job in the next 12 months

It’s been a tough couple of years, and we’ve seen more of our people in their natural environment than ever. It’s meant we’ve learned more about their identity, their motivation, the impact they have and how purpose-driven they are. It’s led to more dynamic workplaces, but being more authentic has also come at a cost for many:

  • 91% of employees have experienced negative physical effects as a result of work at least once in the last 3 months
  • 87% of people have experienced negative emotional impacts as a result of work
  • 48% experienced adverse physical impacts more than half of the time
  • 26% experienced adverse social impacts more than half of the time
  • 36% experienced adverse emotional impacts more than half the time
  • 28% experienced adverse behavioural impacts more than half of the time

This is as a result of various factors from understaffing to unachievable deadlines and targets, poor work/life balance and long hours. All of these factors are likely to have an impact on absenteeism, productivity, conflict-related communication, sick leave and retention rates.

Feeling it in particular are:

  • Those in middle management who are being affected by the continued gap between Strategy and Operations
  • Females
  • Those in the early stages of working life 16 – 30
  • Those in the LGBTQ+ community
  • Those who work for companies that are reactive rather than proactive around employee wellbeing.

What can you do?

There are a number of different ways you can do things and questions you can ask yourself to help address your people feeling this way. A few suggestions include:

  • Define your early Burnout Warning Indicators
  • Are you/how do you monitor wellbeing in your business?
  • Foster a culture of listening, being present, a process for escalation and reporting loop
  • Do you/how could you measure or monitor productivity?
  • How often do you have one-on-ones with people?

Practical Solutions and Resources

FREE Resources for EMA Members

To access these resources, login using your EMA Member account.

FREE Digital Library with First Steps

Through First Steps, and available to members and non-members, you have free access to the small to medium business-focused Workplace Wellbeing Risk Diagnostic Tool, and a range of e-Learning and resources.

Assess how your organisation is coping with their wellbeing and to identify key areas to develop as an organisation.

Free Digital Learning:

Building capabilities

1:1 Assistance from an expert:

Role or Job Analysis is the process of identifying the activities and processes to complete tasks within a role. This enables businesses to pinpoint the specific knowledge and skills required to complete those activities. Through this analysis, a business can select, develop, and measure the success of people in roles. This enables a business to recruit the best staff, design learning materials, and improve processes. Thorough and robust job analysis also helps businesses maximise employee performance.

If this is something you would like to hear more about, please email pxp@ema.co.nz.


Digital Learning


Burnout Webinar

Burnout can seriously affect employee wellbeing and result in high worker absenteeism, impacting company productivity. BusinessNZ estimates that worker absence costs businesses around $1.79 billion.


Emotional Intelligence
If you want to understand how to handle your own emotions and/or those of you staff at work, this one day workshop (combined with focused reflective practice) will raise your Emotional IQ and boost everyone’s personal effectiveness and performance.
Mental Resilience – Reducing Stress, Building Mental Strength
If you find it difficult to manage your stress, this one-day workshop will make a difference. It is valuable to anyone who feels that anxiety is impacting on their lives in and out of work.
Personal Effectiveness – Managing Your Time and Self
This one-day workshop will help you to increase productivity in less time. You will learn to identify the common behaviours preventing you and your staff from managing time effectively. This course helps you choose tools and employ strategies to prioritise your daily tasks more effectively.